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Fund Browser

Stillman College

Harry H. Bryan Family Fund-37727 | 103120058417

For use as determined by its [Stillman College] Board of Trustees.

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Stillman College

Rachel Wylie Scholarship Fund | 103120057445

For scholarships for students.

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Stillman College

Lucile Courtney Litz Scholarship Fund | 102240070652

Calculate annual income payment amounts based on prior year 12/31 market value and distribute as follows: $100.00 or 10% (whichever is greater) equally to Morristown-Hamblin High School (East and West), Morristown, TN as the Lucile Courtney Litz Scholarship Fund to be awarded annually. The remainder of the income shall be divided equally among 1) Stillman College at Tuscaloosa, AL; 2) Southwestern at Memphis (now known as Rhodes College, Memphis, TN); 3) the General Executive Board of the Presbyterian Church, U. S. to be used over and beyond its budget for the strengthening of scholarship assistance to Friendship Students in the manner of the program carried on by the former Board of Women's Work.

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Stillman College

John Mack Walker, Jr. Memorial Fund-46306 | 103120059093

No Restrictions

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Stillman College

Dr. T. Russell Nunan and Cora Clark Nunan Fund-41284 | 103120058358

To create a scholarship to encourage graduates of Stillman College to continue their preparation and education for an advanced degree.

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