Fund Browser
Englishton Park Presbyterian Ministries
Englishton Park Presbyterian Ministries, Inc. Endowment Fund | 102240004314
shall use said income from this fund hereby established as its Board of Directors shall determine.
Fund DetailCedar Ridge Camp, Inc.
First Presby Church, Louisville, KY Mem Trust | 102240100984
To be used for scholarships as follows: Cedar Ridge is to notify the Presbytery of jurisdiction (currently called the Louisville Presbytery) annually as to the number of scholarships provided and notify the scholarship recipients each year that they have benefited from the First Presbyterian Church, Louisville, Kentucky Memorial Trust.
Fund DetailPresbyterian Clearwater Forest, Inc.
Lorraine A. and Merton C. Munson Memorial Fund II | 102240100797
to be used for maintenance.
Fund DetailHeartland Presbyterian Center
Louis A. Davis Memorial Maintenance Endowment Fund for Heartland Presbyterian Center | 102240101655
The Foundation shall reinvest the Net Income of the Fund into principal until the corpus of the Fund reaches $50,000.00 so that such reinvested Net Income becomes principal. Afte the corpus of the Fund reaches $50,000.00, the Foundation shall pay the Net Income therefrom quarterly, after the expiration of each calendar quarter to the Heartland Presbytery Center, Parkville, Missouri to be used as follows: (A) As long as the Beneficiary's horse program is not a financial burden to the Beneficiary, such determination to be made in the sole discretion of the Beneficiary's governing body, the Net Income from the Fund shall be used for the maintenance of any unendowed facilities, specifically excluding the swimming pool and bath house. (B) In the event the Beneficiary's horse program becomes a financial burden to the Beneficiary, such determination to be made in the sole discretion of the Beneficiary's governing body, the Net Income from the Fund shall be directed to the continuing support of the horse program. (C) In the event that all of the Beneficiary's facilities become endowed, the Net Income of the Fund shall be used to fully support and improve the horse program.
Fund Detail