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College of the Ozarks

Roy W. and Alice (Owen) Southard Memorial Scholarship Fund

Beneficiary location:

Point Lookout, MO

Account number: 103120000764

Designated Use

for scholarship purposes as set for in this agreement and as administered through its General Scholarship Fund. In accepting the said net income from this gift, the School of the Ozarks [1990 name changed to - College of the Ozarks] of Point Lookout, Missouri covenants and agrees as follows: 1. to allocate the first Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) received annually for the personal support of the student receiving the scholarship. This will be handled by the Dean of Students through the Financial Aid Committee or their successors. Any and all income received in excess of the aforementioned Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) per annum will be used for the scholarship, and 2. to accept said income only if at least twenty-five per cent (25%) of its student body is receiving scholarship aid for room, board and tuition, or participating in its work-study program, as monitored by the Office of the President of the School of the Ozarks [College of the Ozarks] through its school attorney.

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