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General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Ethiopia Education Endowment Fund

Beneficiary location:

Louisville, KY

Account number: 203100094021

Designated Use

Income from this Fund shall be paid to the General Assembly for the work of the Global Education and International Leadership Development Section of the Worldwide Ministries Division, or its successor, for its international educational mission efforts in Ethiopia, subject to the following preferences: 1. Distributions from the Fund may be used by the Worldwide Ministries Division to support its work in partnership with the Mekane Yesus Church to further educational efforts in Ethiopia, augmenting other resources to provide for high-quality Christian educational institutions in Ethiopia. 2. First preference for use of the funds should be to support existing educational mission linkages with the following three institutions in Dembi Dollo, Western Wollega Bethel Synod of the Mekane Yesus Church: Brihane Yesus (Light of Jesus) Elementary School, Bethel Evangelical Secondary School, and the Gidada Bible School (the preferred institutions). 3. In the event that any of the preferred institutions should become inactive or cease to be under the control of the Western Wollega Synod of the Mekane Yesus Church (or the successor thereof), distributions may be made to the surviving institutions or to such other educational facilities as may be controlled by the Western Wollega Synod of the Mekane Yesus Church, allocated in such percentages as the beneficiary may determine from time to time, based upon identified needs and opportunities. 4. In the event that no qualifying institutions may be identified within the bounds of the Western Wollega Synod (or its successor), then the income distributed from the Fund may be used to support the General Assembly's educational mission programs within Ethiopia in conjunction with the Mekane Yesus Church or such indigenous mission partner as may then exist.

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